Author Interview: Alex Sanchez

When I first saw the cover of RAINBOW BOYS, I thought: Wow, those guys are cute! Then I thought: It looks like a movie poster.
Do you tend to think that the covers of your books represent the story within it?
They try to. But the problem with putting real people on the cover is that readers then picture those people as they read the book, and sometimes those images don't match up with readers' ideas of the characters.
Does it make you nervous knowing that people are reading your work?
Yeah, because I want people to like what I write and it's hard to hear criticism if people don't like it. But it's great when I hear that people like my books!
What kind of environment do you prefer to write in? Any music, or television in the background?
I write best somewhere quiet, listening to dolphin sounds and whale songs on my iPod.
What inspires you to write your novels?
Hearing from teens about their experiences and remembering what it was like when I was a teen.
Are you working on anything at the moment?
I'm writing a manuscript about bisexual teens. If any bi teens out there would like to share with me their experiences of growing up bi, please send me an email to Thanks!
Many thanks to Alex Sanchez for stopping by and answering questions for Books Love Jessica Marie! :) To learn more about Alex Sanchez and his books...
check out my Author of the Month post or his website.

check out my Author of the Month post or his website.

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